The Runback: iFix Machine Wants To Revive The NYC Arcade Fighting Game Scene
The arcade scene in America is nearly extinct. They have been replaced with the subpar
The arcade scene in America is nearly extinct. They have been replaced with the subpar
Okay. So after a while of having little to talk about, I think I can
Two very ironic slogans come to mind when I think of EA; both of which
I don’t know about you guys, but I love when things like what Tekken 7
In case you haven’t noticed, we here at Rushdown Radio kind of have a bias
We’re a few years removed from the internet firestorm surrounding GamerGate & Anita Sarkeesian‘s (feministfrequency)
Azealia Banks is one musical entity that’s for the longest time been pinned as the
I’ve been playing a lot of this game called Axiom Verge. I highly recommend it.
When it comes to Japanese Role Playing Games (JRPGs), it’s safe to assume that these
This was something I wanted to talk about, but wasn’t sure I should until I