#IndieSpotlight: The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa

Have you ever played a River City game and said to yourself, “man, I wish I wasn’t just fighting?” Well, you may want to look into The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa. Developed by Yeo, you play as the title character, Ringo, a high school gang leader living out his last fall before he graduates.

My best comparisonis to call it River City x Persona, if Persona was a little more grounded. You’ll play a few games, hang with friends, dive into some surprisingly deep dialogue that will have you thinking by the end of it, and of course…beat the crap out of other students. It’s well written and very worth your time.

If all that sounds good, then you can pick it up on XB1, Switch, and PC for a mere $15. No Sony release unfortunately and surprisingly. But if you pick it up, let us know what you think and spread the word.

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