Hellena Taylor Fires Back at Bloomberg Report about Bayonetta 3 Deal

The firestorm that has spiraled from this Bayonetta 3 story has truly engrossed the gaming industry and community. We first reported Hellena Taylor’s accounts of what happened with Bayonetta 3 about a week ago. During the discourse online, some questionable tweets were unearth linking Taylor to a TERF political figure, Blue Lives Matter and conservative ideologies. Also, new Bayonetta voice actress Jennifer Hale was being targeted online by trolls in support of Taylor’s crusade against PlatinumGames. In that time, Jason Schreier published a very damaging and revealing expose on the situation with Hellena and Platinum Games. Based on reports from two anonymous insiders close to the project, provided details on the alleged deal made with Taylor to voice Bayonetta in the third game. Taylor has come out this morning offering a rebuttal to that story published last week in a series of tweets:

Until we can see the contract itself, we can either believe Taylor or the Bloomberg article. Nothing is fully substantiated by either party. It will be difficult to side with Taylor since she omitted a lot of details in her original video that has garnered over 9M views currently on Twitter. Whatever her motives were, it has severely damaged her credibility. However, this should not be used as an example to not believe victims of workplace exploitation, harassment, underpayment or abuse.

What I can say is, sending hate and cyberbullying any parties involved is unacceptable; especially innocent bystanders or journalist doing their job. Please leave Jennifer Hale, Hellena Taylor and Jason Scheirer alone. You can engage with them online, but do not harass them. Remember, if want to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum.

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