“Beef” is the new dark comedy drama about conflict, rivalry, and revenge, set to premiere exclusively on Netflix on April 6th. The series follows Danny Cho and Amy Lau, two everyday people whose lives take a turn for the worse after a simple misunderstanding on the road turns into an obsession-fueled pursuit to ruin each other’s lives.
Starring Ali Wong as Amy Lau and Steven Yeun as Danny Cho, “Beef” boasts a diverse cast that includes David Choe, Ashley Park, Maria Bello, Andrew Santino, Ione Skye, Joseph Lee, Mia Serafino, and Justin H. Min. The series was created by Lee Sung Jin, with two directors, Jake Schreier and Hikari, at the helm.
With its unique premise and talented cast, “Beef” promises to be a must-watch for fans of dark comedy and drama alike. Don’t miss the premiere on April 6th, only on Netflix.
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