The Legend of Heroes: Kai No Kiseki Reveal New & Returning Characters in Latest Trailer

The new trailer surfaced online slightly earlier than expected. Titled “Web CM 2,” this brand-new trailer is packed with gameplay and plot details. Building on the previous trailer, it showcases more in-game animation and intense battle scenes. Falcom has significantly improved the visual fidelity and animation quality in Kai No Kiseki. The story beats also look incredibly promising, with many fan-favorite characters making their return.

In addition to the stunning visuals, the trailer hints at new gameplay mechanics that could add depth to the combat system. Long-time fans of the series will appreciate the callbacks to earlier games, while newcomers will find plenty to be excited about. With its rich storytelling and polished presentation, Kai No Kiseki is shaping up to be a must-play title this fall.

The Legend of Heroes: Kai No Kiseki launches for PlayStation 4|5 and Nintendo Switch in Japan on September 26, 2024.

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