#GamesCom2021: King Of Fighters XV Launches February 2022

Even though some of this information leaked a few days ago, SNK still had a lot to show off today at GamesCom. The biggest news is that Ash Crimson and Heidern are returning to the game. Also, the game will feature Rollback netcode which was a huge request around the world from fans. During this global pandemic, people rely on netplay a lot more than before. This was a great call on SNK to use Rollback. Historically, SNK has had notoriously bad online infrastructure. Another cool feature for online is Online training mode. This is definitely a feature that should become a standard in modern fighting games.

The game will launch with 39 Characters with 6 more DLC characters to be announced later. King of Fighters XV will be available on Xbox One, Series X|S, Playstation 4 & 5, and PC. Check out the new trailer that goes over all the features and mechanics below:

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